Hip Hop-eration

Helene Wong

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A wonderfully warm and wacky Kiwi adventure film. Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of courageous, yet cheeky, senior citizens on an extraordinary quest to perform at the World Hip Hop Championships in Las Vegas. www.hiphoperationthemovie.com


A wonderfully warm and wacky Kiwi adventure film. Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of courageous, yet cheeky, senior citizens on an extraordinary quest to perform at the World Hip Hop Championships in Las Vegas. www.hiphoperationthemovie.com


A wonderfully warm and wacky Kiwi adventure film. Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of courageous, yet cheeky, senior citizens on an extraordinary quest to perform at the World Hip Hop Championships in Las Vegas. www.hiphoperationthemovie.com

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